"Stories spark emotions. We have an intuitive, emotional side as well as a deliberate, rational side to our character. Too often in business we only try and connect with people on a rational level but this isn’t enough to actually change how people behave.....
Read MoreThe importance of colour in your business, branding and life
It doesn’t happen often, but last week I treated myself! My treat was a colour analysis session with Jane Lowther from House of Colour......
Read MoreWhy you should focus on your customers more than your product
I came across a Facebook post today written by Roger James Hamilton, from Hong Kong, now living in New York, who is the founder of the Entrepreneurs Institute. I agreed with his post so wanted to share his advice with you.......
Read MoreBe awesome! Plus 14 more ways to get referrals
A survey I recently carried out said that the top 3 marketing tools that you value the most are : 1. Social media, 2. Referrals and word of mouth and 3. Good consistent branding.
So what can you do to improve your chances of being referred? Well, I'm tempted to just say "be awesome!' as that pretty much sums it up, but in more detail, here are 14 top tips......
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How to stand out - case study
July 10-12th marked the 2015 County Kent Show........On my way round the show, I was drawn to a lovely stand with beautiful silver jewellery. Now, all fairs have a company selling jewellery right? And it tends to be much of the same, but this lovely business was different.
Read MoreBrands I love: The Lemon Square
So I often come across brands that I truly admire because they seem to have done everything just right......
Read More5 reasons to invest in brand building
Let’s say you make jam, or bread or cheese. A lot of people make jam, or bread or cheese. But what makes your jam, bread or cheese different? How do you stand out from other jams, breads or cheeses? What makes a consumer choose you over others?
Read MoreBig brand learnings for smaller artisan producers
Before I started working with passionate artisan producers, I used to manage the UK marketing for well known big, global alcohol brands such as Campari, Beefeater Gin and Courvoisier Cognac.
Read MoreOnline Personal Branding: My podcast interview with Lis McGuire from Giraffe CVs
So I’ve finally recorded my first podcast! Wooohoo! A podcast, by the way, is an online audio file that you can download onto a computer or portable device and listen to at a time that suits you. Lis from Giraffe CVs asked to interview me about how to use social media to personally brand yourself.
Read MoreWho is Lisa from Klarity?
Hi I’m Lisa from Klarity Marketing and I am a brand developer and social media coach. I help artisan entrepreneurs create a brand, improve of grow their brand and raise awareness of their brand and shine online.
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