To be a social media content generating machine you need a constant flow of images, so always have your phone to hand. With a simply touch or swipe of a button and a bit of thought, you can capture really great photos from wherever you go.
Here are my top tips to taking terrific foodie phone photos:
1. Keep it simple – remember that your photos are going to more often that not be viewed on mobile devices with smallish screens so keep things clear, simple, and clutter free. If you are going to use props, use simple ones that compliment your photo.
2. Find good natural light – near a window is best. If you have an iphone, tap the screen in the darkest area to lighten the whole photo (does this work on android phones too? I’m not sure? Can you let me know in the comments?) Try to resist the urge to use flash – it’s really not good for food photos as it creates unnatural shadows and distorts colours.
3. Focus - after making sure that your phone lens is smear and fingerprint free, move closer to the subject rather than using the camera zoom. Zooming in gives a grainy effect. Tap on the screen where you want to focus. Do not post fuzzy, badly taken out of focus photos. Ever.
4. Composition – good photographers use the rule of thirds, which means positioning the subject along the first or last of the vertical lines that divide the screen into thirds. For food photos, taking the photo from directly above also looks good.
5. Hold the phone really still. Any shake as you press will cause lack of clarity and blurry photos. You can buy funky phone tripods and stands that will hold your phone super still if you suffer from skakey hands.
6. Try not to use filters. Food photos are best without filters as they are then a true reflection of the subject and don’t alter the colours unrealistically.
7. Think about colour. Do you want your photos to be colourful and vibrant, muted and tranquil or a reflection of your brand colours? If you are reinforcing brand colours, try and subtlety include them in as many photos as possible.
8. Break the rules now and then! Shoot from interesting angles – from lower down – this makes it interesting as it is not from the usual perspective. Turn a photo into black and white. Think creatively and stage your product.
I totally love this intagram account - @smitfarms as they have been so creative with their fruit. The simple patterns they have created with their fruit make very effective photos that grab instagrammers' attention.
9. And last but not least, practice. As we all know, practice makes perfect.
I’d really love to see your favourite foodie photos that you’re most chuffed with, so please tweet me or tag me in instagram - @lisafromklarity
Happy snapping!
Lisa from Klarity x